JADE Tactical and Disaster Relief Corp® COVID-19 Safety Protocol

JADE Tactical and Disaster Relief Corp® COVID-19 Safety Protocol


Please know JADE Tactical and Disaster Relief Corp® takes this COVID-19 virus very serious with our team, our clients, and all products shipped.


Since this Pandemic started in America we have stayed in Quarantine COVID-19 Free while continuing business from our homes in the highest state of security.


We allow ourselves to leave 1 day a week for a maximum of 2 hours, which gives us time to drop all orders off at UPS.


Our safety protocol requirements are to wear surgical gloves under law enforcement leather gloves with a bottle of sanitizer to wipe our outer leather gloves after every encounter outside in public.


Our mask consist of 2 mask, 1 layer is cotton dipped in liquid silver hung to dry and the other mask is an outer Velcro N95 ventilator mask. Our precautions' are for us including the public we keep at a distance.


Returning home we require personal hygiene cleaning followed by a electromagnetic therapy 7 minute session for enhancing our immune system against any possible threats.


Stay Safe by wearing a mask with gloves to help yourself and those you encounter.




JADE Tactical and Disaster Relief Corp®